We welcome everyone with open arms

There are more than 40 campus organizations at Flintridge Sacred Heart that allow students to indulge their interests and learn to lead.

Many Ways to Get Involved

Students at Flintridge Sacred Heart are encouraged to actively participate in the many club opportunities available to them on campus. 

Students leaders encourage their peers to get involved in clubs on campus during the annual club fair

Awards & Accolades

The Academic Decathlon and the Speech & Debate Team put their skills to the test in competitions across the state and country. Our Academic Decathlon Team took home 36 medals (team and individual) last year.

A small but mighty group, our Speech & Debate Team has also enjoyed much success in the past few years, celebrating a first Tournament of Champions qualifier (Monica Amestoy ’13), a first State Championship qualifier (Dani Chavez ’14), a National Speech & Debate Association Academic All-American (Maddie Collins ’15) and several League Sweepstakes awards.

The Associated Student Body plans classic Flintridge Sacred Heart traditions like the annual Spirit Assembly

There are opportunities for every student to find her interest niche from Amnesty International to Theatre Club, Cooking Club to Aloha Kai (coastal environment awareness and aid).

Classes band together to plan events such as dances, and they intermingle through the Big-Little Sister and Middle Sister programs, which pairs seniors with freshmen and sophomores with juniors.

The Student Council takes a leading role in planning on-campus activities, including an always-fun Halloween celebration and the yearly Spirit Week.
"Some of my very best friends during my days here at Flintridge Sacred Heart are my very best friends today."
—Juli Goodwin Robinson '87

Our Clubs & Organizations

List of 53 items.

  • Academic Decathlon

    Academic Decathlon attends opera
    Our Academic Decathlon team ventured downtown to the Los Angeles Opera to see La Boheme. It was part team-builder, part research excursion. This year’s competition theme is health and wellness, so Mr. Eisenstein used the show as an entry point to discuss health, gender and morality. We may also have some opera converts as many enjoyed it so much they want to return!
    Academic Decathlon is a team that studies material in 10 academic disciplines to prepare for a one-day competition sponsored by the United States Academic Decathlon. The team is divided into three sections based on GPA — honors: 3.76 and higher; scholastic: 3.0 to 3.75; and varsity: 2.99 and below. Team members typically devote 15-20 hours per week to study and prepare. Team membership earns credit for a one-semester course.
  • Aloha Kai (Beach) Club

    Aloha Kai Club Flintridge Sacred Heart
    Flintridge Sacred Heart’s Aloha Kai Club, which means “for love of the sea,” raises awareness for the importance of ocean conservation and provides ways for our community to support local marine organizations by participating in activities that work to preserve marine environments and facilitate a love for the ocean. We further our school’s focus on the pillar of service in the form of stewardship of the land and water, and we strengthen the fundamental bond between the Flintridge Sacred Heart community and our local marine life.
  • Ambassadors

    Ambassadors Flintridge Sacred Heart

    As representatives of Flintridge Sacred Heart, Ambassadors serve as a bridge between current Tologs, their families, friends, alumnae and prospective students and their families. As a member of this co-curricular club, students will act as the face of Flintridge Sacred Heart at various admissions events and recruiting activities. By expressing our enthusiasm for our school, we are able to share beyond what is offered solely through our academic, fine arts, religious and athletic programs, to emphasize the pillar of community present and alive on our campus. The bridges we create serve as an everlasting bond of friendship between all Tologs and accept new students into our bond of friendship on the hill.
  • Amnesty International

    Amnesty International, a service and community based club, strives to inform and take action against the social injustices around the world. Our club embodies Veritas by actively seeking the truth within the fight for human rights while enriching our knowledge on these issues on an international level.
  • AnthroHis Club

  • Armenian Student Association

    Armenian Club Flintridge Sacred Heart
    The Armenian Students Association's mission is to develop close relationships with students and faculty at Flintridge Sacred Heart. Our main goal is to educate faculty, staff, and our fellow Tologs about Armenian culture, and how the group includes the Dominican pillars into our work. Through service and prayer, we plan to reach out to the people in need, both from Armenia and locally, to aid and do as much as we can to positively impact their lives. Introducing our community to classic Armenian traditions through music, food, events and prayer is a key goal to understanding ASA. We strive to create a group where everyone has a sense of belonging and feels that their voice is heard. As a group, we hope to inspire others to continue the Armenian ways in their lives and do as much as we possibly can to make this year remarkable.
  • Art Honors Society

  • Asian Food, News and Culture

    Asian Food, News, and Culture enhances the experience of Asian students at Flintridge Sacred Heart by promoting awareness of the vastly different Asian ethnic groups and representing them through community-based activities. By discussing similar cultural experiences and celebrating differences, we are uniting our community together through interests and hobbies. AFNC is a safe haven for fellow students to learn more about lifestyles that differ from Flintridge Sacred Heart community but at the same time share common roots and foster pride in our identities.
  • Associated Student Body

    The Associated Student Body (ASB) is the student government at Flintridge Sacred Heart.  Student responsibilities for officers of this organization include leading student council meetings, planning, advertising and executing student activities, leading the campus in faith activities and providing a student voice in communicating with the school's administrative bodies.
  • Black Student Union

    Black Student Union

    The Flintridge Sacred Heart Black Student Union strives to educate and promote black heritage and culture throughout the student body, faculty, and community, giving minorities another place to feel accepted, and at home.
  • California Scholarship Federation

    The California Scholarship Federation is an organization in which students can be recognized for their academic success. The association encourages Flintridge Sacred Heart students to strive to meet the requirements in order to be noticed for their hard work and dedication to their school work. Membership in the federation aids students in practicing the Dominican pillar of study and involves them in a community of scholars. CSF also encourages members to help their friends in areas they struggle in through its peer tutoring program. CSF wants students to not only be acknowledged for their achievements but also to help other students to grow, flourish, and be proud of their achievements. CSF wants students to be unafraid when asking for help. Members need to be able to understand that the honor they achieve should be used to spread what they have learned throughout the groups they are a part of.
  • Campus Ministry Leadership Team

  • ComedySportz

    Comedy Sportz is an improvisational group (auditioned cast) that competes with local teams from schools in the surrounding area. The team also sponsors alumnae and faculty matches. This group works with a coach to develop all skills surrounding performance to “improve”!
  • Computer Science Honor Society

  • Cooking & Gardening Club


    The mission of the Cooking and Gardening Club is to enhance the cooking and gardening skills of its members; serve not only the club members, but also the student body; maintain the garden; and sell the food we make and donate our time and funds to help feed others in need. We educate our club on the environmental impact of our food and the benefits of gardening. The Cooking and Gardening Club would like to create a sense of community through a common interest in cooking and gardening. The club also strives to integrate foods from different cultures and diets to be as inclusive as possible so that everyone feels a sense of belonging. This is a club where we can have fun, learn, and provide service all at the same time. We would like to serve those who are in need and teach those who wish to learn. 
  • Dominican Preachers

    Dominican Preachers at FSHA
  • DREAM (disability rights, education & action)

    DREAM (Disability Rights Education Action Mentoring) is a Flintridge Sacred Heart affinity group committed to educating and bringing awareness to all types of disabilities to our Flintridge Sacred Heart community. We are committed to creating an inclusive group and family by applying the values of F.I.T (faith, integrity, and truth) women and Veritas in our community outreach work to support organizations that aid disabled people and uplift every disabled voice. We, in DREAM, recognize that no disability experience is the same. In DREAM, we challenge our fellow Tologs and staff members to see the ability within disability and break down stigmas.
  • Fashion Fits

    This is a club that celebrates the beauty of expressing yourself honestly through your clothing choices and the styles that you love. We will support each others’ styles and see why people love certain trends so we can get different perspectives on the idea. The club aims to create dialogue surrounding fashion––teaching and learning about its culture as well as its design.
  • Feminists in Action (FIA)

    Feminists in Action strives to create a safe environment and provide a platform for all people to openly question societal standards. The Feminists in Action affinity group is a bipartisan club dedicated to exploring how gender affects religion, politics, sexuality, mental health, race, cultural norms, and more, acknowledging that feminism must be intersectional. Our goals include promoting education about women’s issues at Flintridge Sacred Heart and aiding women all over the globe through our partnership with Days for Girls. In educating Tologs about equality and to act against injustice, the club establishes an open forum that stresses integrity, faith, and truth, with an emphasis on sisterhood and acceptance of all religious affiliations. All members will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns without judgment or fear, acting as a space to not only empower the students and the greater community of Flintridge Sacred Heart, but also to be a voice in the fight against gender-bias and oppression.

    feminists in action club
  • Film Club

    Film Club Flintridge Sacred Heart

    Our mission is to inspire girls who have an affinity or interest in filmmaking and to encourage them to pursue their dreams in a safe and accepting environment. We adopt the Dominican Pillars of prayer, study, community, and service by helping our members create films that could be used to support their faith and community while making sure they have a balanced schedule. This is done by helping students to work together, studying filmmakers plus their work, learning about film techniques, and assisting those in need through various service projects. Film club demonstrates Veritas, the latin word for truth, by helping students find their true artistic styles and genuine interests, assisting in their authenticity to themselves and their neighbors. Members will be able to display their talents and let the world know who they are
  • Forensic Science Club

    The Forensics Science club’s mission is to educate the students of Flintridge Sacred Heart on criminology, nutritional science, kinesiology and forensics science. We give students the opportunity to explore the techniques, instruments, and skills that could potentially inspire a passion in the field of forensic science. Forensic science is primarily centered around discovering the truth around the injustice in the world that is caused by criminals. As Dominicans who practice the Four Pillars we will act through the club to serve the community and our fellow Tologs by holding activities, educational meetings, and an outreach program to demonstrate how forensic science can offer a person an excellent career.
  • Freshman Board

  • Junior Class Board

  • Knitting with a View

    Knitting with a View Flintridge Sacred Heart

    Our mission is to encourage mental health and wellbeing among students through art and crafting. We hope to provide a space for students to make art with each other in a safe and welcoming environment. We want to encourage the Dominican pillar of community by giving students the ability to come together around the craft of knitting. We hope to live Veritas by educating about how knitting can be beneficial to not only individuals but also the entire Flintridge Sacred Heart community.
  • La Canada Youth Council Representative

  • La Cañada Sister Cities Space Academy

  • La Vanguardia

    The mission of La Vanguardia is to educate and expose FSHA students to the culture of the Spanish-speaking world.

    la vanguardia club

    The most important aspect of this club is its adherence to the pillars of service, community, and study in educational outreach (both locally in inner-city Los Angeles and abroad in Mexico). The club embraces and immerses members in different aspects of Hispanic and Latino culture through fun bonding activities that include unique food, music, and film.
  • Latinas United in Action

    Latinas United in Action Club at FSHA
  • Library Advisory Board

  • Mental Health & Awareness Committee

    mental health and awareness committee
    The Mental Health & Awareness Committee strives not only to educate and spread awareness about different mental health issues but to also create a safe space where students can share their feelings and experiences and support one another through difficult times. Our goals are to serve as a platform for students to share and support one another, to raise awareness and money for mental health organizations, and provide students with tips on how to feel less stressed, anxious, etc., in their daily lives. We aim to cater to the students, individual, and mental health needs along with supporting students through different challenges the year brings. Our group acknowledges that different aspects of a student's identity and life can have an effect on their mental well-being and we aim to support them through challenging times.
  • Mock Trial

  • Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honors Society)

    Mu Alpha Theta recognizes achievement, commitment and academic excellence in mathematics. Members of the club represent the Dominican pillars of community, service and study by assisting others in mathematics, raising money to support an underprivileged school’s mathematics program, and showing hardwork and dedication.
  • Multi-Culture Affinity Group

    The Multi-Culture Affinity Group strives to bring together women of all backgrounds, cultures, and races who might feel alone and overlooked due to experience of racial injustice and/or social prejudice. Our group provides a safe, welcoming environment to all who might feel marginalized as a result of living in a "mixing pot" and who feel discriminated against for being of mixed heritage. Our mission is to educate the people of Flintridge Sacred Heart about all races and backgrounds, to learn and teach about being multi-racial, and to reach out to women of all colors through service and prayer; applying these lessons to everyday life. We hope our presence at school will be an open space for all students who might identify with more than one cultural or ethnic group and who wish to join together in conversation and discussion. This group will embrace students of all cultures and invites all to join.
  • National Honor Society

    With the motto of “leadership, scholarship, service” as their guide, members are selected for lifelong membership in the National Honor Society. Membership is based on academic achievement (a “B” average), service, leadership ability and character. Members are selected by a faculty committee.
  • Renaissance Leadership

    Renaissance Leadership strives to ignite the sense of belonging and community amongst the Flintridge Sacred Heart student body, faculty, and staff. Its focus is to encourage and recognize hard work and inspiration shown by anyone and everyone in our Flintridge Sacred Heart community. It hopes to emanate a sense of pride that is reflected in the results seen in improved performance, behavior, community engagement, and school spirit.
  • Residential Life Student Leadership Board


    The Residential Life Leadership Council of Flintridge Sacred Heart is committed to making life on the hill an unforgettable experience. Our goal is to promote a sense of belonging and inclusiveness for all. We work with other student boards to bridge the gap between residential life students and day students. In addition to planning exciting outings that enrich students’ lives, we strive to understand the needs and concerns of the students and amplify their voices. The Residential Life Council embodies the values of faith, integrity, and truth by working as a community to showcase our mission. We are dedicated to making sure students from all around the world feel like they belong and creating a home away from home on the Hill as a Flintridge Sacred Heart family.
  • Roundsquare

    Flintridge Sacred Heart belongs to an international organization known as The Round Square. The Round Square membership is comprised of 228 schools on every continent who prize character education and experiential learning, and center their school programs on the six IDEALS of the Round Square— internationalism, democracy, environmental stewardship, adventure, leadership, and service. Gaining admission to this network of schools is a great honor.
    A student-led Round Square leadership committee serves a one-year term and is charged with advancing the IDEALS throughout the school programs and activities. Initiatives may include service projects, experiential learning activities, leadership development, and much more. 
    All Flintridge Sacred Heart, all students are eligible to participate in the many activities and programs offered through the Round Square. Each year our girls attend international and regional conferences, go on a short educational/cultural exchanges to a Round Square School (grades 10-12), serve on international service trips to places such as Cambodia, Borneo, and more, plan and lead conferences on a theme, and join in collaborations with schools from around the world on topics such as the environment, women's rights, global issues, and more.
    Our students have attended several Round Square zoom conferences this year, and have made new friends from around the world and created indelible memories.
  • Science Olympiad

    The Science Olympiad team’s mission is to encourage students to enhance their scientific knowledge through learning and competition. The Science Olympiad team provides different types of science, giving students more choices. As a team, we aim to foster passion in science and cultivate students’ deeper understanding in science while practicing the pillars of integrity, study, truth, and community. There will also be fun labs and students’ cooperation in serious study. We advance together to greater achieve.
  • Senior Class Board

  • Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica

  • Sophomore Class Board

  • Speech & Debate Team

    speech and debate team
    Flintridge Sacred Heart's speech and debate team has ranked among the top 20% of schools nationwide and has earned membership in teh National Speech & Debate Association's 100 Club

    The mission of the Flintridge Sacred Heart Speech and Debate Team is to promote and encourage excellence in the competitive activity of Speech and Debate. Using the pillars of prayer, study, service and community, and our school's mission of faith, integrity, and truth, our team strives to work hard and have fun while accomplishing our goals of becoming more comfortable in the area of public speaking. Speech and Debate helps girls to find their voice and become more confident in themselves as well as speaking in front of others.
  • Student Council

  • Student Mission Committee

  • Tologs QSA

    Our mission is to work towards a more accepting environment for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity through education, support, social action, cultural awareness and advocacy. We believe that schools can be truly safe only when every student is assured of access to an education without fear of harassment, discrimination, or violence. As the Queer-Straight Alliance at Flintridge Sacred Heart, it is our mission to bring together and recognize LGBTQ+ students and their straight classmates in a positive and non-judgmental environment where they can fully express their individuality, participate in queer joy, and share experiences.
  • Tologs Tech Team

    The Tologs Tech Team is comprised of student leaders, students interested in technology, and members from Flintridge Sacred Heart’s Technology and Academic Technology Departments.  The Tech Team focuses on technology education and exploration.  Members work to inform and educate interested students about school technology by hosting training sessions and sharing information online. Every year, the group chooses to explore topics in STEM-related fields. The Leadership Board plans trainings and provides advice on school technology, technology-related programs, and technology-related policies.   All Tech Team members have an opportunity to work as ambassadors for the school’s laptop program and other tech initiatives.
  • Tournament of Roses Student Ambassador Program

  • TYPE (Teaching Youth to be Politically Engaged

  • Veritas Dance Project

    Veritas Dance Project strives to inspire the Flintridge Sacred Heart community to share their truths through dance and find their own pathway in the artistic world. We excite others about dance and express ourselves and our passion for it through the dance concert, outreach projects, and other events. As we are coming out of a pandemic, we are prepared to work through the new world we have to face and continue moving together as a community. We use our outreach to bring dance to those in both the Flintridge Sacred Heart community and other school communities who have yet to have the privilege of experiencing dance.
  • Veritas Service Society

  • Veritas Shield: Journalism

    An award-winning newspaper produced entirely by and for the student population at Flintridge Sacred Heart. Students on the Veritas Shield staff are trained in a variety of journalism skills, and several former staff members have pursued journalism as a career. 
  • Veritas: Yearbook

    "Veritas," Flintridge Sacred Heart's yearbook, provides a comprehensive record of each school year on the hill for the enjoyment of the current and future Flintridge community. Students on the "Veritas" staff learn the ins and outs of creating and publishing a book, and leave Flintridge Sacred Heart with marketable photography, publishing and computer experience.
  • Young Writers’ Society

    The Young Writer’s Society, a group made up of anyone and everyone who has a love of writing and literature, seeks to be an outlet of creativity and to give young women the opportunity to creatively express themselves in a constructive manner. In writing, young women find the truth about who they are and solidarity in those that share their mindset. Study is incorporated through the process of revision in writing, service is achieved through the sharing of literacy and art in the literary magazine, and prayer is found when young women search their hearts to put their feelings onto paper for the glory of God.


440 St. Katherine Drive
La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011

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Flintridge Sacred Heart, a Catholic, Dominican, independent, college-preparatory, day and boarding high school, educates young women for a life of faith, integrity, and truth.

Flintridge Sacred Heart admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial aid, and athletic and other school-administered programs.